
Posts Tagged ‘leaping’

Apologies for the lateness in this report but life has jettisoned back into regularly traversing the M5 from Devon to Bristol with energy levels plummeting too.  Still, I am slowly making my way through the put-off jobs that accumulated while I eeked out my last essays.

Good reports on Spock – he is now making small leaps with minimal pressure from his front paws.  However, as many of you know he beat a hasty retreat into the garden when my parents arrived for a brief sojourn to visit their newest ‘grandchildren’. It was sad as he is so laid back with us.

Spock RelaxedSpock Relaxed
Spock Chin is rubbed

I like a chin rub

Boris, however was a little more friendly with my folks but sought out some comfort still the same. When Mr ML returned from his all day trip to London, Boris made it clear how much he missed him by clinging to his knee.

Boris and LionBoris needing a cuddle
Boris and Mr ML

Why did you leave me with strangers in the house?

Boris can be a bit tricky to photograph – not because he hides but having a black face seems to be some sort of stealth feature and he seldom comes out in focus.

Good news on Boris, too. He doesn’t need any more teeth out. He now only has a few at the front on the bottom. Sadly he doesn’t seem to be able to crunch his favourite biscuits so he sucks them for a while then swallows them whole!! Perhaps I need to find a way to soften them off a little so he gets used to crunching them with his gums and good teeth first. However timing is everything and not sure how to judge between gungy and just-so.

I hope that will satisfy their fans for a while. It’s hard being responsible for such in-favour felines. Shame they don’t have KC’s capacity to type themselves but I suppose they have to keep themselves as innocent as possible. It would not do to be seen to be too self-sufficient.

Lastly, I abandoned the friendship cake (story of my life!) as I couldn’t remember when to stir or leaving or checking or feed while I was in and out of the house.  Thankfully Mr ML looks after the kitties so well while I’m gone otherwise they may be in the same state as the ‘cake’ – foaming a bit and slightly smelly. When I’m feeling braver, I may try again. At least I know what’s involved now. That said, cats are much easier to keep as they at least make it known when they need attention.

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